HEY - I’m Nina.
My name is Nina, I’m a 26 year old Austrian artist and my passion is to birth beauty into the world with my creations.
I grew up as the only child in the Austrian Alps, in a house surrounded by nothing but forests and meadows. After graduating from fashion school later in life, I felt the call to leave my homeland and experience other parts & cultures of our beautiful planet.
Between then and now I’ve worked several jobs to afford to travel, until in 2020 I found the courage to go all out and start my freelance dream of Studio GRL. That’s when the journey of getting in touch with my inner seasons really started for me. My art practice is teaching me to accept my own pace, beyond linear time, and to listen to my body’s wisdom and honour its rhythmic nature.
It’s the beauty all around me that is the illumination of my inner world. The Beauty that can only be witnessed when I stop, when I slow down. It is the beauty that is always giving, the beauty that co-exists with all the destruction and chaos in our world.
Welcome to Studio GRL.
Creating with devoted leaders to birth their heart-led vision into artful brand experiences.
The foundation and essence of my heart-led business.
Quality is reflected in my attention to detail, seamlessly woven into every design, ensuring that visuals communicate a non-verbal language, while authenticity acts as a magnet for your ideal clients.
My creative process ebbs and flows with the natural rhythm of my inner seasons – while I aim to stick to estimated timelines, I respect the organic nature of creativity, allowing projects the flexibility they need to develop authentically.

ep.001 "To Live Artfully"
I’ve had the honor to be the first muse fruit on Verocoya‘s podcast “The Muse Fruit”. In this episode we speak about the importance of creating a beautiful life with intentional choices so that you are nurturing yourself.